User Friendly CNC Controls, Turn-key professional service for Milling Machines, Lathes, Routers, Plasma, Laser & special applications. Do-It-Yourself professional grade CNC control kits

Finding a Centroid CNC system Serial Number or System ID #

There are a few methods that can be used to identify your Centroid control. The quickest way is using the serial tag, which can be located on your remote handheld jog pendant, console, or electrical enclosure.

The serial tag is located either on the right-hand side or on the back of the console or on the back of the remote handheld jog pendant and it will look like the following:

The serial number is also located on a tag which is located on the large electrical enclosure and will look like the following:

Another way to identify a CNC system is with the System ID #

The system ID can be found several places.
- The CNC control system ID is displayed on the main screen upon boot up and before homing.
- After homing you can find the cnc control system ID under the "F1" Setup screen
- On older systems, If the system ID in not in the F1 setup menu then it can be found in the Utilty Menu under options.
To get to the options menu, from the main screen press F7-Util then F8-Options. You will be able to locate your system ID near the center of the screen on the right-hand side, as shown below:

After homing system id can be found in the setup menu:

If the system ID in not in the F1 setup menu then it can be found in the Utilty Menu under options

Notes for finding System ID's for older systems. If you have an old CNC control using DOS operating system running CNC7 older than version 8.20, the system ID is not displayed in the Options menu.  You can still access it but it is through the Parameters menu.
To gain access to the Parameters menu, from the main screen press F1-Setup then F3-Config, then enter the password. The default password is 137. Then press F3-Params.
The F2 button will no be displayed on the screen but if you press F2 the encrypted code will pop up in the center of the screen. That is also your system ID in it's encrypted format (alpha code).

If you are unable to see anything, you may have an even older version of CNC7 software that requires you to press and hold the ALT key and then press the F2 will display the encrypted code.(system ID in letter format, no numbers)